Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Summertime Heads Up

The summer reading plan is pretty much set up, what with all these excellent books coming out, so here's a heads up/info session for those of you who like to be kept informed.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows comes out on July 21. This will be our book for July. I realize that that leaves Very Little Time to read the book for the month but really we all know that we'll be locked in our bedrooms for the 2 days it takes us to read it after we've acquired it at some midnight party so REALLY, it's plenty of time. *grin*

Also (try not to squeal ladies) Eclipse comes out on August 7. This will be our August pick and if you check out Stephenie's web site you can see that she will be on tour here on August 25 in Torrance. Some of us went last year and it was a lot of fun!

For September I'd like to introduce Meg Cabot to bookclub (many of my close friends have already had her forced upon them and have reacted favorably) and her new paranormal YA book Jinx comes out on July 31.

If you get bored this summer and are looking for a good beach-book, I recommend most any of her YA books (careful of the adult books - she used to be a romance writer) especially "Avalon High" or "The Mediator" or "Teen Idol" or "Pants on Fire" (and there is NO butt-touching in that book even though the cover has got a picture of a boy with his hand smack on top of some poor girl's back pocket) :) heh heh.

If y'all have any suggestions, don't be shy. Kristen

1 comment:

Karalenn Hippen said...

HOORAY! Count me in from all the way over here in utah. I'll just post comments when I finish. I'm so excited for this summer's reading schedule.